
{Day # 23} Just You & I - Keeping Weddings Small

One of the biggest trends is weddings right now is small guest lists and here are 10 of the main reasons why...

{Rush Order} You now have the option to get married in a shorter amount of time. With fewer people and details to oblige you can cut down the timeline.

{Spare Feelings} You will only be surrounded by those people that love you. You have an easy out to tell people that they are unfortunately not invited.

{Lavish Honeymoon} You are saving money with fewer guests and can put that toward the honeymoon of your dreams.

{Destination Wedding} You now have the option for a Destination Wedding with only close family and friends.

{A Moment Alone with Your Spouse} Stop. Soak it in. It’s not something many couples get to do on their wedding day because of stress, obligatory conversations and details they have to manage and take care off.

{No Small Talk} With smaller guests lists your guests will feel at home and have more time to  mingle. You as well won't have to catch up with that Facebook friend.

{Keepsake Photos} With too many guests it can be hard to gather together to get keepsake photos.

{Go Green} There will be less waste period in smaller weddings. Less paper, less food, less trinket favors, etc.

{Cut Loose} Being surrounded by only those you love mean you will feel more relaxed and comfortable. You will be able to cut loose and dance the night away.

{Wedding, Not a Reunion} There is no need to spend $100 a plate to rekindle old friendships. Again, the whole point of smaller weddings is to be around those who love you and will be in your life 5-10-20 years from now!


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